Thursday, July 10, 2008

Yes, Honey

Yes, honey, I mowed the grass tonight. (Third time, BTW.)

Seven time zones away, in the desert, in 115 degree climate, and he's on my case about keeping the lawn mowed.

He's the bestest!


Anonymous said...

Ah, but did she tell you that she bought a SHEEP to mow the lawn?! Stay cool, Chris! cmr.

Carol and Chris said...

Sheep LOVE crabgrass!

Anonymous said...

Did you make sure there was gas in the mower first!?!?! ;)

Anonymous said...

Carol, you must be exhausted! I hope you left work early today and relax ALL weekend from the stressful trauma of mowing the lawn. When Chris comes home, I bet you won't let him mow the lawn anymore 'cuz you're enjoying it too much!

Carol and Chris said...

One - yes, I filled the gas tank first.

Two - yes, I did leave work early! And had a party!

Three - yes, I might not let Chris mow the lawn when he returns because I AM enjoying it! Although he can have the weed whacking (which I haven't tried yet).

Anonymous said...

Please do not attempt weed whacking without having someone there with you - you know, just in csae of an emergency!

Anonymous said...

Carol, I've seen what you've done to your bangs when you've decided they were too long. I'm with Joanne 100% on this one - leave the weed whacker alone!