Sunday, March 29, 2009

All sorts of updates

Here it is, another rainy weekend in Northern Virginia. My husband is home for the weekend, and we are preparing for the our move. Packing starts in two weeks, and I am SO VERY HAPPY the military takes care of the packing and moving!

I am still fostering Daisy and got her medical records yesterday when I took her to an adoption event (there were two shoppers that liked her and her "polite" behavior, but alas, they weren't looking to adopt that day). She was spayed on January 30 and that's not all that happened during that surgery: she also had 4 teeth extracted and a mastectomy. She's listed as being potentially hard-of-hearing on the LDCRF website, and I am continue with hand training.

Perhaps this week we'll hear rumors of how far the CCAA got in matching applications to prospective adoptive parents in March.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Daisy, foster dog #3: An enigma

Honestly, I was just going to buy Maxine more dog food yesterday, and I ended up bringing home another dog to foster. Daisy is a six year old hound mix... what kind of hound, I don't know... maybe a sight hound breed. She doesn't respond to any commands -in English or in Spanish- and has been very slow to learn any on day one. Yet she walks pretty good on a leash, sometimes quite slow. I haven't heard a peep out of her except for sometimes when she yawns. She's been exposed to a tick-borne disease or two and treated for them. Hmmmm. Hey, at least she's housetrained.

Any thoughts?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Adoption Status Update

This past month (February) the China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA) matched babies with families whose applications were received March 3 through 6, 2006. OK, so that's only 2 days worth of LIDs (March 4 & 5 were the weekend), but that's OK given that so many applications were received in March!