Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day 7 of 7 Days of "I am thankful for..."

I am thankful for
VACATION in Rodanthe, NC
which starts Saturday!

We will all miss Chris and the others who can't make it this year! But we will send postcards... and sip wine coolers... and eat seafood... and splash in the ocean - ALL FOR YOU!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, thanks a lot! If you hadn't rubbed your sweet vacation in everyone's face, I'd tell you to enjoy it and that you deserve some time off. Wine coolers and seafood - who needs it?!

Anonymous said...

Wish I could come! That looks sooo nice. I'm not into wine coolers or seafood but I bet you have some treats I could munch on. Enjoy...we're doing the state fair and getting ready for school.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad we were able to make it down and share some seafood and sunshine with you. And Ronnie is very happy to have a new 'best friend' in Carol. The visit was way too short, of course. Thanks again to everyone for always welcoming us and treating us like part of the family :)