Friday, February 26, 2010

With Much Sadness

DH's father passed away unexpectedly the day I wrote the last post. We thank everyone for all their kind words and thoughts at such a very, very sad time.

Two days ago, our agency called us to tell us that CCAA had pulled the files of those two boys off of our agency's list. They pulled the files because they had been with our agency for over 5 months without official word of any interest in them from any families. It's a new thing the CCAA is doing, probably with the intent to get those children exposed to other families looking to adopt.

China's adoption system is government-run. We have no idea where the boys are in the system now. Maybe their files will be sent to some other agency, or maybe they will show up on the next release of the "Shared" list (vs. agency list). Either way, we are thinking about what our next steps might be.

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