Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Ladybugs are apparently the unofficial symbol of adopting from China. When you sight a ladybug, it's supposedly indicates the referral of your child is close at hand.


When in PA this weekend, and transferring a bunch of baby/kiddo stuff from my niece's and nephew's truck to DH's truck, a ladybug landed on my sunglasses. So putting aside that I'm absolutely THRILLED that finally I am getting hand-me-downs, here's this sign.


Voila! Today we were notified that the China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA) has sent our adoption agency the "Letter of Seeking Confirmation from Adopter" (aka the Letter of Approval). I'll write more once we have the letter in hand.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Ladybugs are indeed good luck! It's great fun to contemplate your soon to be parent status.