From the Joint Council of International Children's Services web page:
"During a press conference today, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko stated that intercountry adoptions with the United States have been suspended until a bilateral agreement with the United States is signed. At this time, the Ministry of Education (the ministry responsible for intercountry adoption) has not confirmed the suspension nor issued a statement.
The outrageous treatment of Artyem by his adoptive family has rightfully resulted in outrage by the Governments of Russia and the United States and all who care about children. The tragedy has cast a light on intercountry adoption that says it is not safe, the system failed and adopted children cause insurmountable problems. The heartbreak of Artyem Saviliev’s abandonment has once again elevated a singular incident to a level which may result in the suspension of intercountry adoption. Suspending adoption, even temporarily, will only cause thousands of children to suffer the debilitating effects of life in an orphanage."
To ensure the world knows about every successful adoption, Thursday, April 15, 2010 has been designated as the day to blog about your adoption or the adoption of someone you know.
I only want to say that the process of adoption is difficult for everyone involved: the child, the birth parents, the adoptive parents, and more. However, I have seen the blogs of so many individuals who have overcome and stayed strong through those difficult times. I have also been made aware of all the resources available to help families through difficult times. I applaud all the successful and never-giving-up families who have been through the process of adoption.
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